Saturday, February 29, 2020

Book Review: "The Dark Corners of the Night" By Meg Gardiner

Oh for the love...

The Midnight Man or BOY or whatever is about to wreaking havoc on the LA area and he's not taking NO for an answer.
Funny, because this man boy toy is about to get his bell rung but first he's going to terrorize these communities, the unsuspecting sleepy parents, and the children whom he gets pleasure from terrorizing.

After all this psycho behavior is part of his M.O. and he's becoming more brazen with each crime that he gets away with so why not become 'mission oriented.'

Victims are feeling unsafe. The area is practically checking over their shoulders. Yet the horror continues to be upon them.

Until, the clues result in a possible break.

Could the killer be a cop's son?

Could this person have inner knowledge and utilize the police departments most sacred tools to get ahead such as the use of scanners to know the ins and outs?

What if the person is a teen? Could someone capable of such paranoia be just a kid?

When an 8th grader is assaulted the tide turns and the heightened alert to capture and bring this nut in becomes more urgent.

"Not desperation but escalation."

Truth be told all of these actions by this culprit seems to be impulse driven but also juvenile ie. vandalism of police cars.

So, it shouldn't be that difficult to put the clues together as they fall piece by bloody piece.
The creature of the night is smart, elusive, and cunning so be on alert!

When the final reveal is made the result was not shocking but was a relief.
The key was in the crimes and what was deliberately taken away.

Sometimes troubled teens become troubled adults without intervention and counseling. This is one such case that required early assistance but was ignored and slipped through the cracks.

Well, just one more thing to note...

When abuse goes ignored it has consequences...

A great new read that I was unfortunately declined from reading at NetGalley but ultimately scored by copy at my local library.

So please do support such fine institutions!

Stay humble folks!

Still good stuff!

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