Sunday, February 23, 2020

Book Review: "Safe House" By Jo Jakeman

Charlie's paid the price for a fake alibi for a murderer but could she now pay the ultimate price?

With classic thrills and chills Jo Jakeman takes readers on a he said/she said tango dance between Charlie and Lee.

Lee truly believes that the police tried to frame him for the murder but he's also an older man whose been around a few times and may have the upper hand against AKA Steffi.

Oh, did I forget to mention she's in hiding so that's her alternate name.

Now, there's this guy Ben whose another loose cannon and either he's a stalker, a madman, a hitman, or a combo of all three with an ax to grind because he's on top of Charlie like flint clinging to a dryer.

You get my drift?!

Ben seems to have one motive in mind and that's finding out where his daughter from 2014 is today.

Oh, there's another gal Penny whose also off the rocker and seems to have a connection with not one but two men.

What can one say other than to keep the nastiness in check and forgive the jealous rages.

If not at least know that sometimes a conviction is more than just a mere conviction it's a 'death sentence.'

Nuff said!

This was superb in every regard!

Grab this before it runs off...

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