Saturday, February 22, 2020

Book Review: "The Finders" By Jeffrey B Burton

The hunter becomes the hunted when the chips are down but don't count this duo out.

Play to win or in this case don't get caught up in your own circumstances and lose sight of the real reason you're out there in the world.

I loved everything about this one including these amazing animals are cadaver/rescue dogs and the fact that the trainer Mace as he's become known also has his own personal and professional dilemmas.

Together these two story lines made for a fascinating read as we go from the personal loss of one of his beloved golden retrievers to the strong tactics of this new most efficient and productive dog -Vira!

The issue arises with the media spotlight when Vira catches,"The Velvet Choker Serial Killer" which in essence puts a target on their back.

Intense action, humor (yes imagine that) and more awaits the reader in this captivating new work by Jeffrey B. Burton.

As a dog lover all my life especially of golden retrievers it's not hard to know why I picked this up.

Having seen in the news many cadaver dogs that sadly have to go locate human remains it's a job that nobody takes lightly and I'm sure it wears heavily on not only the animals but the trainers and the families they must report back too.

It's a thankless job that often goes unnoticed but it brings closure and often in the process much needed long awaited answers and clues.

This wasn't a wordy book nor a slow burn it was a finely paced and well oiled machine that never let the reader down.

Thank you to Jeffrey, the pub, and NetGalley for this ARC as I hope there will be a follow up on this new genre.

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