Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Book Review: "Hoax" By Brian Stelter

“This story is about a rot at the core of our politics. It’s about an ongoing attack on the very idea of a free and fair press. It’s about the difference between news and propaganda. It’s about the difference between state media and the fourth estate. So excuse me if I swear a little—but I am alarmed, and you should be too.”

― Brian Stelter, Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth

“This story is about a rot at the core of our politics. It’s about an ongoing attack on the very idea of a free and fair press. It’s about the difference between news and propaganda. It’s about the difference between state media and the fourth estate. So excuse me if I swear a little—but I am alarmed, and you should be too.”

― Brian Stelter, Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth

In all honesty, this was an exact to the point heated discussion of what it's like to believe in the false narrative that's been set by such an organization and news outlet like Fox and the enablers behind it all that continue to spue the hatred, vile, disgust rather than unite and collaborate.

It's a new realm that looks not at actions to digress fact from fiction but rather at mere words and as long as those words are full of ego trips they are all in.

It's a version of white nationalism that's so disgusting that only the white man and or woman can stand to utilize it against others who they feel are lesser than themselves.

It's nothing more than a cult, a group of enablers, a loyal following of gatherers who want to use fear, intrepidation, threats, retaliation, and hush money to get what they need.

It's a loyalty to THE ONE but the same will never be reciprocated and they seem to not care because of the brashness of their own actions.

It's a cult that uses false information to bring home a point but that point is skewed by negativity and incorrect statements that are proven as fallacies yet are still believed.

I know this gaslighting well after having married a malignant narcissist and I speak from experience that the smoke, fog, mirrors is very hard to see out from when actively engaged in it as mainstream media.

Even with proof, even with documents, even with legal accuracy these individuals will stay as groupies blindly following whatever their main leader dictates to them.

It's dangerous when this toxicity can exemplify such boldness to explain away his own actions while seeking to blame and default while destroying countless lives around him daily.

At this point we can only hope, pray, and VOTE!

Thank you to Bibliotheca for this e-read in exchange for this honest review.

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