Saturday, September 19, 2020

Book Review: "Murder Thy Neighbor" By James Patterson

Murder Thy Neighbor and Murder IRL were simply creepy, chilling, and downright disturbing.

Ok, I get it - who likes their neighbor- but this Roy Kirk guy sent chills up my spine as Ann had to deal with his never ending dilapidated DIY home projects that never came to fruition.

However, there's a method for his madness, and man alive or dead , this is a shocker!

As an avid member of a family of landlords who rent this was to close for comfort for me but the first sign should've been the actions or inactions if you will of this guy and what could be in the basement and throughout the home.

What's sad is that any loss of life is no comfort even if you win a case like this against an ailing individual who clearly had mental impairment and cognitive issues.

What he may have conducted against Ann was disgusting so do not eat and be rested before reading this whopper of a thriller.

As for the 2nd half- for me it wasn't as good as the first- but it carried itself well enough to progress at a slower pace.

Jenelle and Jamie are hooked up with parents Billy Jean and Billie Clay during a virtual war that may turn deadly.

Oh, baby....

Could Janelle be that disturbed and delusional? Asking for a friend or two or three...Chris told me or was it Kelly, Matt, Dan and Mike???
Smear campaigns are in progress and you won't believe who started them and who is throwing the shade against who....YIKES!

Well, can't give out much more so I'll be on my merry way...ENJOY!

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