Saturday, September 19, 2020

Book Review: "Jackie and Maria" By Gill Paul

Sexually charged! Personally explicit! Totally Revealing!

Two icons vowing for power among the most prestigious and politically charged atmospheres.
What more can one say other than,"Oh Jackie and Maria" I had no idea it was that heated while on full display.

Affairs of the heart, of the mind, of the soul - Is just part of this story as we track it from infancy to adulthood and beyond.

Why would two women even want the same man is beyond me but many want left overs and in fact will go to the end of the Earth to achieve such glory.

As a jilted ex-wife who learned of her husbands multiple affairs (including having a love child or two) I can attest to the bitterness, the anxiety, and the constant egg shell dilemmas.
There's always that sense of worth, value, and moral compass that is constantly being put into check.

It's one hell of a way to live ergo why nobody should be found waiting for a divorce to claim a prize that will never arrive.

It was quite interesting to see this play out bit by shiny bit in front of the readers.
Adoration and attention to detail was obtained through this writing of Gill Paul in all facets of these multi-dimensional relationships.

Women are often seen as catty but this takes the ball game to an entirely knew level even for the men.


Well, in the end I'm not sure what any of it accomplished other than to tarnish reputable names, careers, and common decency.
The love child Omero and his piece in all this was simply electric; along with his father Aristotle Onassis's grand exit.

Thank you to Bibliotheca for this exclusive e-read in exchange for this honest review.

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