Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Book Review: "Sisters" By Daisy Johnson

Sometimes you must go outside yourself and your comfort zone to experience all that life has to offer while understanding some of the experiences of others.

This is one such book that will stay with you long after you leave because it's a powerful statement of two young women and the powers that bind but also split.

Sisters is exactly that the ying-yang of the same DNA but with a twist of darkness and a sour lemon.

It's a dark side to relationships, sibling rivalry, teenage angst, bullying, and death.

Can you save someone who doesn't want to be saved?

Can we finally discuss mental awareness fully and completely?

Can we understand the unexplainable?

This will dig up the dirt, place it upon the grave, and leave you wondering if you should place that rose or walk away as if nothing happened for fear that you will be judged.

It's an amazing work that needs to be noticed, appreciated, and celebrated.

Thank you to Bibliotheca for this e-read in exchange for this honest review.

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