Friday, September 25, 2020

Book Review: "The Introverts Edge to Networking" By Matthew Pollard


It's not about working harder but working smarter and using your own interpersonal tools to get ahead and stay successful.

You know the old saying just when you're ready to give up something miraculous happens and for those who are lucky, able to network, and have good credit this is often the case.
For those of us with underlying medical conditions, who've given up careers for housework and parenting, for women who must fight for equality in the workplace the shoe doesn't fit as smoothly.

Before going into my own circumstances I'll address this new work by Matthew Pollard as it's deserving of attention.

What I enjoyed in this piece was the concentration upon helping others achieve success in networking as the templates and personal stories were splendid and very much appreciated.

Don't just say I'm a doctor-say I work miracles and offer solutions.

The three main problem solving solutions appeal to this notion of going out of your comfort zone to establish useful connections even if they don't get you that job. Creating a unified message to tie it all together was a unique idea from the Rapid Growth Guy.

Ironically, when I used to volunteer to gain valuable experience with the hopes of getting employed I was told I came across as being entitled and or 'owed' a job for my 20 yrs of volunteering service.

When I explained why I wasn't able to get hired: Age (47) most job hires locally are recent college grads, Under/OverQualified with education and lack of job experience, Pay Salary requirement, Nepotism in hiring, Jobs on hold for incidentals: corona, governor hiring freeze, even a convicted felon(yes, this happened and I have no criminal record).

I was told I came across too negative however this is my reality, this is real for me, and countless others. My own boss was once hired from Pocono Raceway while his volunteers worked long hard hours to get noticed and several of us applied for employment.

Now as for the sales pitch theory- I once scheduled an interview with our local city Chamber of Commerce- only to be ignored, left in the waiting room, earning valuable tips on hanging a door (construction crew was great) but nobody ever came out to meet me after my famous, "Dear John" rejection letter and subsequent interview request for advice. By the way the kid was younger than I that sent me the declined job offer.

When this happened and I was left to my own devices I went out of my comfort zone, went up to the first person I seen and introduced myself. It just so happened he was the President of the Chamber and we discussed the job prospect, the high number of applicants for the job, and I left feeling at least somewhat hopeful after this 10 yr process.

What many fail to acknowledge is child rearing is not a paid event. We lose valuable time off our wage earnings and are left with a time gap that can't be filled even with volunteering.

So my question is why are women being left behind after doing the hardest job on EARTH -in raising their kids- and not being given an opportunity to re-enter the workforce and not only that are only offered entry level jobs with Masters degrees being told they are over/under qualified yet they are in debt up to their eyes and can't make ends meet?

My other issue not noted in this book is poverty, lack of credit, bankruptcy and how that affects a job hire especially if a victim of abuse with a PFA on file.

You see here landlords don't rent to those of us with PFA's or kids because they don't want 'trouble' with police. The local shelters don't take women with children. We can't get jobs without credit or work on file for at least two years. If we must take governmental assistance than we are placed on a wait list for two years or more. So we are in dire straits before the job prospect is even recognized.

In fact I was almost hired from my last networking experience till I was declined for SEO position due to pandemic and economic uncertainties and all that went down in one weeks time.

I've heard everything from she just wants to milk the system, to get a job, to stop using others, to everything but the TRUTH!

Jobs are paying less than poverty - #15 Pennsylvania-pays $6.53 per hour difference-
Colleges are the most expensive in the nation including here in Wilkes -Barre Pennsylvania -
The systemic problem of valuation of a parents worth is declining as per this article:

We cannot raise our families on minimum wages. We cannot work to death using factories as I have for $7.25 hr with a ten cent raise as top producer in CTH and GTH as a material handler resulting in breathing in diesel fuel from loading docks and now having COPD, Asthma, chronic bronchitis, allergies, severe spinal stenosis, ganglion cysts (r hand repetitive movement injury) and more; and promise our recent grads all will be well.

As a warrior and self help guru with her own All Star Status, recipient of Points of Light from 41st USA President, and numerous awards for public service including writing/speaking I jumped at the chance for this new book.
The reasoning is simple: Ten year job search -unsuccessful in re-entry to workforce -as an MPA/CJ major -20 yr volunteer-seeking living wage earnings to support a family of four with disabilities (son with vater syndrome-med disabled for life), our family in extreme poverty, SSI-SSP payments ended upon his turning 18 yet disabled since birth for life, and divorce for me resulted in bankruptcy, poverty, homelessness, and LT unemployment.

My reality is one of blood, sweat, tears and further spinning of wheels.

I've utilized everything I have including reinvention, job fairs, cute UM's and created a business profile on LinkedIn.
My work is easy to find as I have litelink on all my online sites from FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

I'm not sure what the secret is as I've used cold calls, referrals (yup that bugger is rich but I'm sitting with no job), networking, business cards, business sites, uploading resume online, renewing resumes at undergrad college, monster boards for job inquiries, and I've never not sent a thank you for an interview or showed interest.

I've taken on two interview tests for content writer and jumped through all the hoops only to find they hired a young female right out of college (AGAIN).

I was put on hold for the SEO job only to learn another company down the street (TV STATION) hired during the same time I was being told that companies weren't hiring and in fact hired a man I knew doing similar work.

I also know jobs here are not based on what you know, how you present self, or how intellectual you are but on donations to local colleges, income status, age, and other distinguishing characteristics that are against the law but are still done in private.

Several jobs I applied to online were told to me to be not available yet they just posted them online seeking applicants.

Recently I applied to an entry level job at a doctor's office as a patient rep only to be interviewed during my daughter's appointment for a well visit and sent another decline job offer email.

Upon going back to the drawing board that same job was posted just two days later after I received the decline offer.
I've had people say did you check with such and such, did you take the state civil service exam, did you know blank was hiring...

It's all a game of cat and mouse and it's not something I've been happy to partake in as it's cruel, heartless, and devalues those who work hard.

I will close with this: I have over 128 ARCS, top 29 USA reviewer with Goodreads, 94%feedback with Netgalley and an auto approval as trade blogger working unpaid with 9 major publishers as we speak doing book reviews.

A similar male reviewer is a paid Amazon influencer and editor who gets all the attention and it's infuriating as I work equally as hard and I'm told to work harder even though I've worked just as hard for similar number of years with similar stats but I'm not popular and I'm not paid!

We all know by now that you don't bite the hand that feeds ya and ladies you can do everything right and still be wrong.
It's a sad world we live in but in terms of this book the only thing I can offer is to never give up.

I have three kids and all of them graduate 2021 with one in two year college.

I wish I could tell them this expensive MASTERS degree (100k) after interest in student loans from the original 35k was worth it but if you can't get a job with it than I'm not sure what good it does.

The world is good for the top 1% and those with connections and support and that's the TRUTH!

Hard work doesn't pay and work to death mottos will only keep the medical facilities in business.

Don't become complacent, don't wait for a solution, keep grinding, keep selling, keep telling your story.

Perhaps one day I too will finally get my chance to SHINE!
For all my long term unemployed friends remember : it's all about the U6 numbers and not U3 and no you're not lazy, uneducated, or unemployable.

NEVER GIVE UP...Ten year job search continues...Carry on!
Thank you to Matthew Owen Pollard for the insight but perhaps this is more for the younger crowd as it doesn't seem to apply for those of us who lived the life of hard knocks.

In closing, I have a friend whose in his late 60's he was convicted for selling bootleg purses in NYC and sentenced with a record. He can't get a job even when he became certified to treat others. It's not a one shoe fits all scenario but for those reading this you have a duty owed to live your best life.

Many of those over 40 are taking early retirement but I haven't even begun to officially get paid for working outside my home. Two elderly parents are also another factor not addressed in this novel; as they will need my attention when I finally finish raising my three kids solo as my kids are (20, 17, and 13).

We all have to realize that we can all be sales trainers if we are willing to use our own standout qualities.

No matter what happens, what label you're assigned- give it your best shot! The dash is the most important.

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