Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Book Review: "The Orphan of Cemetery Hill" By Hester Fox

First and foremost can we not just tip our hat to this lovely lady for writing this while pregnant and wrapping it up while nursing and tending to a newborn during a pandemic...

WOW! "The dead won’t bother you if you don’t give them permission."-Boston, 1844.

Hester Fox has written a magnificent piece of fantasy, gothic, mystery, horror and drama with just enough spiritualism that captures the tone of doom and gloom magically as well as beautifully.

The entire cast was entrenched in ghost, ghoblins, spirits, and speakers to the dead leaving readers to ponder what might happen within this dark setting.

The center piece concentrates upon Tabby a young spiritual reader who uses her talents to provide answers in speaking with the dead.

The souls of the beloved are encapsulated within the manuscript as other characters delve deeper into the portrait of illusion and ghostly figures. 

Once such arrangement was a dirty operation using some background information pertaining to Tabby's adoptive father  Eli and his past work as a fugitive.

If you weren't aware, during Tabby's earlier days, their were several individuals who wanted to utilize her unique and special gifts to enhance their own agenda's in exploiting for seances including the aunt Bellefonte. Tabby took it upon herself to stay clear while riding off into the sunset with her sister Alice for protection.

Now older, Tabby works alongside her father Eli as a caretaker of this large Boston cemetery that has seen its fair share of looters, crooks, and hoodlums. As these robberies continued a more sinister plot engulfed Tabby and became known as the,"Resurrection Men."

As the story progresses, in the end her gifts will either save her and the cemetery or bring about deadly consequences. 

This was unbelievably unique, gifted, and credited with hours of reading greatness because it developed into more than just a mere arrest but an interest in others not only abilities but passion.

This passion that drove more people to love than hate was a theme that carried with it the most passionate substances which ignited in the end.

When someone wishes to limit your potential -you can do one of two things-wither away or stand firm like an oak and grow were planted.

Clearly Hester Fox is a powerful writer but her passion leaps off the page and wraps the warmth around you within every page even as a gothic piece.

It's an extraordinary piece of fantasy that I hope you can explore and enjoy.

My deepest gratitude goes to Harlequin Books for this ability to review this newest work via the 2020 Fall Reads Blog Tour.

I hope you enjoyed this review and will share with others!


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