Saturday, September 19, 2020

Book Review: "Once I Was You" By Maria Hinojosa

Immigration affects everyone! This is so vital for today's discussion on immigrants, naturalization, and what's so often lost in examination- EMPATHY!

Remember we are all united as one- humanity, diversity, land of the free and home of the brave?

Remember the Constitution, Democracy, and No one power Rule?!
If only we can go back to normal -that time when every day wasn't centered upon one man but rather one world.

While I wish this didn't discuss political agendas it cannot be explained without political agendas and they're vast in number on both sides of the aisle.

Maria was able to hold this train of thought on a more personal level, a vibrant appeal, and emotional love fest that needed to be told.

It's said for those of us who have been victimized by this system that we cannot just sit back, we cannot rest, we must tell our stories as it's in the telling that we experience, learn, grow, and change our ways.

This was the case with Once I Was You because when you set aside politics, set aside profits, and you set aside the fight or flight response what do you have left?

That's what we need to remember as many of these individuals being affected by the legislation including the DACA are just that-Children!

Never forget we must work together.

Thank you to NetGalley for this exclusive e-read copy! #LoveFest2020 at Atria Books

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