Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Book Review: "The Missing Years" By Lexie Elliott

The moment when you realize you inherited a home that's creepy, downright dramatic, and terribly unusual in nature.

Even the animals won't cross it but you know it came with the territory-which includes a shared inheritance with your own father after your mother's passing.
However, what if the house is haunted?

What if someone is willing to do anything to not let you take your half share in the home?
What if someone is truly watching and could that someone be the house?


Well, this one for me didn't take the cake but don't let my review lead you off the beaten path as many have felt this fit the bill.

Variety is the spice of life. Enjoy.

Thank you to Lexie, Goodreads Giveaway, Amazon kindle for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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