Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Book Review: "Close My Eyes" By Beverley Harvey

A twister has formed and is coming your way with Close My Eyes by Beverley Harvey.

It starts off with two women Beth and Gemma and two timelines present and past (1994) revolving around several key components - the father Tim- the mother- Jeanette- and the sister- Laura.

Lest not forget the main culprit- aka- married man - Guy Ward- the husband of Gemma but former high school friend of Beth.

This story really took on a life of its own when we go between these individuals to lay the foundation of a mysterious situation that occurred during the sister's Sweet 16 party.
In fact, it was anything but sweet and more of a horrific, degrading, and life altering situation that resulted in a life long process that Beth dealt with solo- tucked away-hidden from view.
Her pain wasn't inherent and in fact she's receiving counseling via therapy sessions with Zara. The more you know the more you want to wonder why would Gemma stay married to a monster in disguise.

However, that's just the thing- she didn't know - until NOW!

Or, so we're told because it's so uncomfortable and troubling that Beth now suffers from flashbacks, triggers, PTSD, and more from this one day.

Miya the daughter of Beth is also left in limbo through all of this while Gemma struggles to retain her marriage to a con.

"It's all a game" is how it was worded but it's not a game and it's not FUNNY!

Beth was a thirteen when her sister Laura was sixteen and nothing is more precious than a girl's body, appearance, and sense of self at that age.

When the plot twists become too big to ignore the question then becomes what will happen next. Not just for Beth but the entire family who seemed to pass the buck with nobody being held accountable.

Even justice spins its wheels slowly so the crime may never be prosecuted but there's another secret.
That dress.....
It's been found.....
It may hold all the answers....

Thank you to Beverley Harvey, the publisher, NetGalley, and Amazon Kindle for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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