Thursday, January 21, 2021

Book Review: "American Crisis" By Andrew Cuomo

A government is only as good as the people who stand with it!

Without a transparent, functioning, science based government that runs on truth rather than conspiracies and male ego's we cannot win!

To mitigate and or defeat Corona Virus as a global pandemic we must acknowledge the orientation not from China but from Europe and work united not rid ourselves from the WHO(World Health Organization) that has a sole purpose of protecting the nation from the very situation that we now find ourselves confined to via a madman at the helm.

DT was never a President but rather a con man that used gaslighting, manipulation, and his personal brand to buy his way to the highest office in the land. His empty promises and broken dreams is textbook to those of us who survived malignant narcissists in the past.

I've spent thirteen years with one of his loyal followers and you need not go far to learn my own ex-spouse switched over as a life long Democrat to vote for the nut.


Because of the sole purpose that narcissists operate with a benefit to one in mind. These enablers allow this behavior to continue and in my case mine was just as bad if not worse than DT so I had to live this nightmare twice now making a total of 17 years if you combine the last 4 years of triggers/flashbacks/mental mind games that terrorized our citizens, the nation, and our allies.

We became the laughing stock for a reason and it's not because he didn't know right from wrong but because he simply didn't give a rats arse that 400k United States AMERICANS died on his clock.

Narcissists operate from a false sense of self and that's because they are not whole, competent, loving, or compassionate humans. They fall short in all categories and only love themselves.

This was evident when he ran out of office without passing the torch and without acknowledging nor attending the inauguration for our 46th President.

I can only pray this man who is being accused of inciting an insurrection is brought to the Senate and convicted of his second Impeachment which needs only a simple majority to bar this individual from ever holding office.

As we look to NYC for guidance we see Mr. Cuomo who never once waivered from transparency, accountability, and no nonsense guidance. He didn't rule with force, nor threats, nor intimidation. He never used conspiracy theories, fake news, nor hush money to accomplishing lower cases and less transmissions.

Did he take heat for his controversial decisions including disinfecting the subways, removal of homeless, or not acting quickly (as some might suggest) in regards to this pandemic? You bet! But he never waivered in his commitment to his own New Yorkers (NY STRONG) nor did he take up the offer to run for President.

This is the courage, the character, and the type of person we need in office be it at a local, state, or national level.

Yes, his calm demeanor using Power Point displays, 500 pamphlets, a book deal, and even his daily press conferences including his own brother's battle with Covid all made his case evident and valid.

We can't ignore what's right in front of us. We cannot excuse it away. We cannot become united when we have some within our inner circles enrage and insight mobs within us intent on destroying our democracy from within our very own walls.

We don't need to build walls we need to build boundaries. We need to hold those accountable for their actions. We need to move forward quickly in distributing more testing, proving more services, utilizing more vaccine distributions, shoring up our economy, requiring a robust response to our nursing homes and prison populations.

The ending of this book provided numerous aspects we could utilize in correcting the wrongs and I can only hope those words don't fall upon death ears!

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