Sunday, January 3, 2021

Book Review: "Christmas at the Island Hotel" By Jenny Colgan

Jenny Colgan has created an aura of romance in the air with the most unlikely of couples.

The situation calls for a new hotel with a family team built in Scotland for what's to be a special event in celebrating the season.

Two hard workers are met with two more additional pairings in the kitchen. One is a waitress with new hopes and dreams for a brighter future named Isla. The other a disgraced Norwegian 'prince' with secret ties to the Duke of Utsire named Konstantin.

The idea is to work hard for a living prior to receiving an inheritance. Teaching what the true value and meaning of earning your keep is all about in the realm of Murians and the island girl's love near Christmas time.

Well, for me even though there's several name changes with characters the overall writing is good and in fact was better than past novels I've read outside of this series.

I'm a speed reader/trade blogger/top reviewer who reads out of sync as what comes in is what I have to select from and it can be disjointed.

With this noted this book worked well on its own and entertained me with a great big cup of hot cocoa to boot.

I highly recommend this 4th addition to the Mure series!

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