Saturday, January 9, 2021

Book Review: "From The Foster House To The White House" By Terrence K. Williams

I've never been more disturbed than seeing this tweet just two days after our Capitol was under attack: as I'll quote it here,"The Republicans would like for people to stop tweeting about the Patriot Party. They want us to be loyal to them so please don’t RT what I’m about to say

It’s time for the Patriot Party to take over."

Now, I've never met this individual-Nor have I ever heard of him till reading this tweet as a blogger and awardee of the Points of Light Award- in loving memory of our 41st President -George H.W. Bush.

I'm also a welfare mom but not queen as there's a difference. I'm a divorced, single mom of three with my eldest son born medically disabled since birth with vater syndrome for life.
I'm also a recipient of EBT and suffer from food insecurities and sadly this perspective of welfare is not mine.

Not everyone on welfare is a druggie, a welfare queen, a baby momma, uneducated, or lazy.
Quite the opposite and here's a video to showcase why we must ends these damaging myths as you can read more of my story via TedTalks with the President of our Al Beech Westside Food Bank via this link:

You might also be pleased to know I'm one of only 20 that had her story told to every Representative and Senator in Congress during the day of October 8, 2015. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn) told my story with passion and dignity as it was shared with the "Community Voices: Why Nutrition Assistance Matters" from the Center for American Progress -Director of Field Outreach and Advocacy and Poverty to Prosperity Program -Erik Stiegman.

The dangerous web of lies I've seen over the years is astounding but I can't speak for anyone else but myself.

While I can't speak on behalf of your personal story offered I can only speak from my own experience and what I've witnessed is grown men shying away from their responsiblities and duties in raising their children.
Grown men who claim they aren't 'father material' and simply walk away while leaving women who are paid considerably less try to raise their families alone often without assistance or additional aid.

While you mentioned foster homes, drug addicted mother possibly on crack, grandparents raising you, being bounced through the shelters, abuse, and more - none of that happened in my situation but again, everyone's situation is different.

I hope these general myths aren't continually passed down from one generation to the next because it's hard for those of us who worked hard (Top producer/associate of the month -two departments as material handler), salaried at $7.25 hr, w/o full time benefits or wages, and w/o child support for over a year and a half to survive, to raise a family, or to thrive.
I'm a dual masters grad and was when I found myself with a man who was a womanizer, a malignant narcissist, a sociopath, and psychopath upon divorcing. I've since spent the past 10 years begging to re-enter the workforce. By the way please use U6 not U3 measurements when calculating unemployment as U6 is most accurate.

I was under the assumption that if you filed a PFA it would be followed but it was violated and he was arrested for ICC violation with warrant for his arrest for failure to pay and appear for court on outstanding arrears to the tune of 15k for the year for a wife and three kids.
Now, in addition he worked a block away from the White House (OBP) and had many powerful connections.

I know the game, I speak the lingo, I've followed my share of pay to play schemes and my town's middle name is 'corruption'.

What I see happening in your situation is a man of color desperately trying to earn a living but doing it by riding the coattails of con artists/chameleons/toxic individuals who will promise you the world but deliver you a nightmare. Case in point - go back to sentence one of this review. I see a return investment being offered by the opposing side to be seen as welcoming to a certain group- this being those of color to win elections as you so noted in your own words. This means in essence both sides are being played for maximum benefit. This type of relationship won't last.

In addition, malignant narcissists is my specialty. I've spent 13 years with one. My very own ex spouse also was praised by this madman on twitter after meeting him in Northeastern Pennsylvania during the Fox News Broadcast via his campaign. I won't put his name here but I'm sure you can figure it out.

DT noted to my ex spouse- Enter his name here --you're my man. I like him," Trump said.
Yes, he says this to anyone who will provide him his source of adulation, attention, praise and loyalty.

It's all about supply and finding sources of supply. This is how they sustain their fragile ego. This man is toxic and dangerous. He's not interested in you he's interested in what he can gain from using use as a benefit and as a source. You're secondary to his needs. Once you're depleted or he sees no further use you will feel the discard and devalue like those who came before and will come after you.

If you do not believe me you need not go far to see the long list of train wrecks, trail of destruction, ruined relationships, and disasters at the hands of this nightmare.
I'm now helping others heal from narcissistic abuse as founder of my own self help site. I have over 45k followers worldwide.

I speak from experience that your ride will be short lived and once you no longer hold value you will be dumped like trash.

Narcissists cannot love. They cannot show empathy, compassion, nor operate from a true sense of self. They are chameleons that are able to adapt to changing environments but also they create the narrative that they are superior and God like.
This is a fantasy and you are drinking the Kool-Aid and I pray you get off the love bombing cloud -the smoke and mirrors- the merry -go-round and come back down to Earth and see reality.

What you see is what you get.

You cannot excuse his behavior away and no amount of loyalty will ever be returned in kind.
It's not give and take. It's simply offer up and consume.
You are being played and sadly you will find out only when you no longer excuse it away.
Just remember this: Even fool's gold shines.

Right now you're in the love bombing phase where everything is coming up roses, rainbows, and unicorns.

You will see like those in office seen that had to resign that the love story won't lasts with Narcissus.

By the time you realize it he'll be on to the next source of supply and your name will be but a memory that's easily forgotten.

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