Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Book Review: "The Mystery Of Mrs. Christie" By Marie Benedict

Intriguing! Captivating! Mysteriously Invigorating!

I'm not sure the latter is even a word but heck I'm throwing it in here because Marie Benedict has created a tension filled atmosphere surrounding Agatha Christie.

Agatha mysteriously vanished, left her car behind, and never resurfaced until eleven days later claiming amnesia. Now, you know my writing and my work so I can't just walk away once you entice me like that with nothing more than bird crumbs- or shall I say a fur coat, a pond nearby, and a few tire tracks but nothing of substance.

The detective sleuths would love this one with rising tension to subverts the truths until the very end if the truths are truly ever exposed because honestly I'm not sure anyone knows the truth.
The timeframe goes back and forth between 1926 and beyond with a plethora of interesting characters that are in constant rotation.

In fact, the husband, the mistress, and the remainder of close knit friends all play a major role in this ever thickening plot with just enough gusto to lay it all on the line in a heavy yet parting mannerism.

After all who wants to hand around those who aren't fully invested, right?
Well, we shall see but I can't give away much more on this beautiful work nor tell you more about this gorgeous cover but I can tell you there's plenty for discussion including book club questions, author notes, and more.

So don't quit until the very end because those interviews and notes add an extra flavor to the Mystery of Mrs. Christie.

A great read that I was lucky to secure this hardcover via my local library.

Make sure you show all local libraries and bookstores your love during these trying times.
Much love xoxo

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