Sunday, August 23, 2020

Book Review: "Authoritarian Nightmare" By John W. Dean

As a survivor of my own malignant narcissist I can say this was certainly an eye opener for the way in which an entire nation can be gaslighted, manipulated, and brainwashed so severely as to believe they are knowledgeable with this personality trait disorder.

Being led off the cliff is the only equation that makes sense and sadly even with proof those who are enablers, supporters, feeders will continue this propelling of the spotlighted platform for the, 'One' or as he may be known as their 'chosen leader.'

These toxic individuals are excellent con artist who operate from a false sense of self using fear, hate, division to plant the seeds of their egotistical ways of greed, corruption, and vanity for the sake of themselves to gain power and wealth.
Narcissists truly believe they are above the law as both dictators& authoritarians and will delay, lie, cheat, steal, and bully into coersion. To go along you must be loyal, devoted, and believe in only the One.

Question the authority, seek logical answers, wish to explore alternate routes and you will be cast away, shunned, devalued, and discarded quicker than you might think.

The loyalty lies with the one and only and be damned as family and friends are not priorities but seen as extensions of themselves to be molded and defined as such for advancement.

Our democracy, our constitution, our values and beliefs are in jeopardy and I agree it will be much worse than the Cold War if it's not acknowledged, accepted, and changed.

Voting only works if not suppressed and we need to get up in arms over the current Postal Service inability to perform their daily functions due to budget constraints and removal of machinery needed to perform their jobs successfully. This is criminal and needs to be addressed before Nov. 3rd and not prance around in the tulips without any action being handed down.

We cannot let these immoral individuals jeopardize everything we hold sacred.

The trail of destruction is evident. Trust actions not words. You cannot use your own military against your own people. This is insane!

I know the end result but if you need a refresher course just view my profile in its entirety and then head on over to my FB page, "The Lost Self Life After Narcissism" (shameless plug).

It will take years to repair and rebuild from these empty promises and broken dreams so please get informed and VOTE.

Wake Up America!

Thank you to John W. Dean for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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