Friday, August 28, 2020

Book Review: "Un-Trumping America" By Dan Pfeiffer

A wonderful fresh, invigorating, and hopeful alternative to what we now see playing out.

The Democrats are in need of repair and we need it stat as we are on borrowed time with the clock ticking away till November 3rd, 2020.

Please save our Democracy is now our new motto and we need all the help we can get.

As a proud Democrat in the history making location that voted DT into office I can tell you we are at a crossroads in America. An America that has different agendas for different folks.

As you well know DT didn't win majority but did win electoral votes here and it's because of the state of depression, the lack of good paying jobs, the lack of change.
People are tired of the same old game play of 'pay to play schemes', corruption, gerrymandering, court room politics, and more.

We need to hold the GOP responsible for their actions along with their leader and fight them through till the end.

Republicans continue to utilize fear, blackmail, hush money, voter suppression, gerrymandering, court room antics, and demonization of Dems to get their points across.

We need to become more aggressive, we need to prep up the steps to fix our broken system, we need to build up our media infrastructure, and we need to persuade non voters to vote.

We need this in order to save what's left of our Constitution and our Democracy.

The lack of accountability, the above the law scenario, the superiority/egotistical/white nationalist policies don't work for everyone including myself.

I'm a proud divorced single mom of three kids. Divorced from a malignant narcissist who worked in OBP a block from the White House.

He recently switched party from Dem to Rep and made front page news here simply for standing up in the Scranton Fox News Convention.

What's extremely disheartening is what happened to me during my marriage of 11 yrs with gaslighting, manipulation, brain washing, projection, mirroring, love bombing, and the like is now happening to an entire nation and nobody wants to stop it.

Instead we have great talking points, we have wonderful tweets, we have social media gone haywire but we have not definitive plan of action.

In fact in this great county of Luzerne in Northeastern Pa we didn't even have a Democratic office till the other day and today is August 28th 2020.


We have to stop hiding in fear and work to end this nightmare and work throughout the year thereafter not just upon winning the election.

My word, I know when I dealt with this toxic personality trait disorder that I was in for a huge alteration to the norms.

I learned my lesson the hard way but I can't imagine having so many see this man's actions in the highest office of the land and being enablers to the corruption.

The top 1% love him for obvious reasons including kickbacks, tax breaks, and the like but for the rest of us it's plain hell.

I could go into specifics but safe to say this book provides the answers we need and the reason why we need them.
They must be applied immediately including shoring up the Hatch Act along with our Supreme Courts and making sure we have placed an end to the gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Save our postal service (USPS) and rid the swamp of these elusive actors.

The truth is there's a reason why the devalue and discard is prevalent.

There's a reason why his own niece wrote a book to warn us all.

There's a reason they say trust actions not words.
We must adhere to values, ethics, morality, compassion, empathy, and love.

We must save our democracy and vote.

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