Friday, August 28, 2020

Book Review: "The End Of Her" By Shari Lapena

Is there anything better than reading about a chronic, slut shamed, marriage wrecker seeking blackmail payouts while operating with two different couples on a shoestring?

Well, No! Quite frankly this was perfection and Shari Lapena painted us a portrait that was drab but sure as hell fit the bill.

Stephanie and Patrick have newborn colicky twins and are sleep deprived.
What better time to hit them up with this chronic liars theory by Erica about an affair and possible child in order to get inheritance money.

Oh, did I not mention that's the money from the death of Patrick's first wife who mysteriously died from carbon monoxide poisoning due to snow blocking the exhaust pipe while she sat inside the car.

Lyndsey's friend was Erica which makes this even more troublesome as who does this shiite?
Erica is 31 years old and so you'd think she'd get over herself and find someone else to latch on too.

Now there's another couple feeling the wrath of this woman and by no means are happy about it.

Paying out again as hush money to keep secrets about their son Devin but this time there's a twist and you won't see it coming.

Can you imagine worrying about losing a child much less one to hush money, blackmail, and affairs?

Well, now -rest easy because there's more than one way to skin a cat -just sayin'

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