Thursday, August 20, 2020

Book Review: "Hush Little Baby" By Jane Issaac

Someone stole Amelia's (3m old newborn) from Marie while outside a supermarket.

As if this wasn't bad enough the truth is that nobody saw or heard anything and there's very little clues.

Fifteen years later a baby's skeletal remains are located and preserved in concrete.
Is it Alicia?

Could one or both parents be to blame?

Marie was accused of detachment and neglect.

Could the killer be closer than one realizes?

The father Daniel has since divorced, and never remarried, nor had kids.

The plot thickens around some DNA results in this relationship.

Now all eyes turn to other family members including his own brother Scott.

As the universe collides the powers showcase an underbelly to this family that could be deadly in terms of extracurricular activities.

Meanwhile we shift to another subplot centering around the other twin, a rape, and a bishop....

Oh, boy this is a whole other can of worms that's truly remarkable.

My main issue with this is the lack of familiarity as this is the third in the series and when this new twist came into play I felt a little lost.

Of course, when this bubble burst we're left with another death (suicide) and you'll be surprised to learn the details surrounding it.

I can't go into much more other than to say this was truly one wild ride.

Thank you to Jane, the pub, NetGalley, and Amazon Kindle for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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