Sunday, August 9, 2020

Book Review: "The Order" By Daniel Silva

This one will go down as a controversial topic to what's currently being played out all around the US and Europe.

To say that anti-semitism, white nationalism, and populism have all risen up during this pandemic is the statement of this century.

Many wonder who killed Jesus? They question the past documents including the Bible of its accuracy? They know Jesus was a Jew yet the relationship between Jews and Christians is still in the healing stages of reconciliation.

No, there's zero German Political Party known as the National Democrats that exist today.
No, there's also no Order of St. Helena but rather the Society of St. Pius X or SSPX.

Either way this will surely warrant retrospective conversation on not only Catholicism but on Judaism and the secrets behind many of the corruption regarding the sexual abuse and pay outs for silence with special attention given to the Catholics in this regard.

I'm the former minister of hospitality of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Kingston, Pennsylvania. 
I mention this only because I was forced out from my volunteer position of 'female usher' from my two year experience due to several older white male ushers who felt women weren't allowed to partake as they weren't yet ready to welcome us in with open arms. All 3 of my children also attended private Catholic school and you'd probably be surprised if I told you my eldest son graduated as he's med disabled since birth (Vater Syndrome) with a 4 yr perfect attendance. This may shock some of you but more shocking was he was laughed at, ridiculed, & mocked for being one of only two in the entire school to receive such a highly esteemed award with his medical conditions during the high school graduation ceremony.

As for myself, I've yet to receive an apology from the priest in question for allowing such bigotry and ignorance to occur in our church much less during Sunday morning mass ceremonies. I was told these men need time to come around to this new line of thinking.
The collection basket was ripped out of my hands even after I noted this was the job for which I was hired to perform.

As I walked back to my seat I overheard the older white male ushers proclaiming there was more of them than me so it's evident what the mission was that day and sadly only one white male in the entire church ever asked if I was ok and apologized for their behavior on behalf of his male counterparts.

This is the world we live in today and it speaks volumes.
I was a devoted Catholic who attended more than just church on Sunday as I attended pilgrimages with my Ukranian grandmother since early childhood.

I would never step foot in that same church today.
So, as you can see this book has truly placed the microscope on these sins of these perfect idolized members of society.

In this newest work by Silva we find ourselves wondering how holy is too holy?
Shall the devil be among us?

Is the concave and the way the voting is set up to place a new successor for the pope upon a death being given fair representation by all cardinals?
As it's noted, "Membership has its privileges."

Corruption, pay to play, extortion, bribery, affairs, sexual abuse, and more is at the top of this almighty list of sins.

Here we have a pope who was murdered for a 2 million payout surrounding the truth based on this book-Roman prefect of Judea-that centered upon the memoirs of the sentencing of Jesus to death by crucifixion.

Radical Islam declared war on the church and western civilization. The Order would ultimately help the church and this western civilization fight back.

So, we wonder how did the Gospel of Pilate end up in the secret archives?
How did Father Graf kill Pope Paul the VII?

How did a papal private secretary wind up becoming the next successor?

Sex with Swiss guards in the Apostolic Palace along with Nazi discussion is just a few of the trigger warnings with this one so be warned.

How can 42 cardinals be inclined to all swing votes in one direction?

Now, we all know this by now but money talks and you know narcissism results in the belief of being superior especially in leadership role (as my own malignant narc was a deacon of the church) having never attended during our 11 yrs of marriage but only for the sake of money upon return was he enticed to come back 'faithfully' of course.

This was a thriller of a different sort with murder, extortion, corruption, bribery, sexual prowess, and more at the helm.

So with that I close the only way I know how...This is the Word of the Lord.

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