Friday, August 7, 2020

Book Review: "He Started It" By Samantha Downing

 Three estranged siblings. A large inheritance. A road trip to stir up past memories. It's hot in here!

Folks, this is not the normal he said -she said scenario but actually it's a family under siege from within it's own realm.

The wonderment begins with this road trip to revisit locations and joggle memories. Those memories aren't pretty nor appealing. In fact it's best one forgets such horror.

However, Samantha Downing uses this cryptic storyline to pull readers in and ponder the danger zone from pages away.

Beth is our narrator while the other siblings are all recounting their own versions of what happened and why and that lil birdie keeps asking where's the girl? Wasn't her name Nikki?

Now, it's no secret danger is lurking around every corner but when the tires go flat and a black truck starts creeping and stalking -you know it's going down.

Lost ashes are just part of this puzzle but how could anyone lose someone's ashes?

Could this be the first sign that something is more than just wrong it's mental madness at its finest?

Oh, by the way remember Nikki?....Yes, well you see there's another plot twist surrounding her own personal situation as she's not baking bread in the oven for no reason.

What did you say?

Could this be a kidnapping in progress? An abduction of sorts?

A murder for hire? 

Oh many scenarios enter the mind as darkness enters the souls.

After all Felix and Beth aren't on steady ground with a divorce in the works...

Why is the damn black truck still following them around..Seriously!

Eddie, Beth, and Portia began this journey but who will be left standing in the end is another mystery for discussion.

Who will be the heroine?

Money makes the world go round but it also creates so many unseen hazards.

On we go...


Thank you to my local libraries for keeping me supplied with several brand new hardcover copies.

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