Sunday, August 16, 2020

Book Review: "Hate Monger" By Jean Guerrero

"Recruited by Bannon" should be a motion to dismiss not enforce.

I'm sorry but I'm a happily divorced woman from a malignant narcissist from an 11 year marriage with three kids from this union and the end result is a trail of destruction, lack of empathy, empty promises, and broken dreams that take years if not centuries to repair and rebuild.

As they say in my location of Luzerne County -you seen one you seen them all- and trust me we know corruption better than anyone, need I mention-Kids for Cash? Need I remind our voters: "The Republican party candidate was Donald Trump who won Pennsylvania by 44,292 votes out of more than 6,000,000 cast, a difference of 0.72% and the narrowest margin in a presidential election for the state in 176 years, since 1840 when William Henry Harrison defeated Martin Van Buren by just 0.12%." Not a landslide as some might wish to believe.

You may or may not like politics but this is downright enabling of a egotistical who wants nothing more than to continue to enforce 'white nationalism' and do so in plain view.

Anyone who enables this toxicity is doing so for a reason: They are either afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation, they lost their moral compass that focuses on humanity, empathy and compassion for others, or they are seeking kickbacks as a pay to play party member of the big boy network.

I understand the spotlight is a hard thing to ignore especially for those with this personality trait disorder but why feed into it? The idea that narcissists operate from a false sense of self and will use others to mirror, project, and take credit for as if it was their own ideas should be a topic for discussion.

Honestly, as an avid reader/reviewer/trade blogger with 9 major publishers I feel zero need to enforce white nationalism. 

In fact, the mere notion that anyone finds Rush Limbaugh as their voice of the people is in need of an evaluation. I say this with all respect as my own narcissistic parents listen to his broadcast daily. However, when you note," In Limbaugh's world, wealthy white men were the aggrieved ones. Out of touch liberal media..." well, you might understand the backlash that results.

They play the victim while the real victims are suffering. They appear credible while the truth is being silenced. They continue to enforce the rules while believing they are above the law.

For those who do feel a need to establish more racial divide, more dishonesty, more falsities that's upon their own conscious and I for one will reject such advice.

I wish for a nation that exhibits love not hate. That welcomes everyone of every color as we are a nation of immigrants. I welcome a time that our nation can heal from this disaster we have in office and from those who are allowing his toxicity to permeate a nation and beyond.

We are now the laughing stock for others and I pray one day we can all unite again to form one nation, under god, with liberty and justice for all.

End injustices and VOTE!

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