Saturday, August 1, 2020

Book Review: "Prodigal Son" By Gregg Hurwitz

That moment you spend your whole life trying to be different only to learn you're the same.

"We're not the only hunters in the game anymore."

Truth be told we wore never alone. Wore we?

Folks, this was an absolute killer in the thriller realm of technology, action, suspense, and mystery.

Chilling wouldn't describe the depth of this one because it was also quite moving and heartfelt which is often excluded in this genre.

My word Gregg Andrew Hurwitz has really outdone himself on this one because he has covered every base with glaring precision, immense thought provoking action, and suspenseful military accuracy with nothing more left unsaid.

Which brings me to my many things might be left unsaid in terms of one's connections to others.

That idea that you belong, you're a part of something bigger, your life -successes and or failures-matter.

Life lessons isn't that what's all about but think for a second what would you do if you could focus more attention on helping those in need?

This is what the Prodigal Son is all about and it is a heavy hitter as Evan is retired as a former assassin or is he?

Trained as Orphan X and transported into Nowhere Man he's on a mission to help the most desperate in trouble.

Pardons will be offered if he steps away from his duties but why do that to simply live a normal life..

When a woman claiming to be his mother (Veronica) contacts him to help Andrew -a man down on his luck-he doesn't hesitate to take on the task.

It's the perfect time for a road trip and Evan and Joey know just what to do. Pack up and move forward things are going dark,rogue, & dreamy.

Andre Duran is the target but we can't simply go in blind, "Assume nothing."

This is where the end of the line is because I can't cross my sworn secrecy so look-you have got to get in on this exceptional ride because if you don't you will miss out on the 6th of this series and you surely don't want to do that -Do you?
HELL NO...I can only offer this last note...there's plenty of dips, twists, drones, missions but nothing compares to family, love, and the power of the human heart.

We out-Till next time!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for providing this fantastic ARC and Gregg Andrew Hurwitz for producing such superbly crafted pieces.
I will always be your biggest fan.

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